2010年5月31日 星期一

20100531 Coming Home (1)

Coming Home

This is my place, my love, where I belong

After finals, I was ready to move out. It wasn't too hard for me, but for a lot of my friends, it was a big deal. After cleaning up the trash, packing my suitcase, and helping my friends move, it was time to say goodbye. I had reached the end of my freshman year! A friend from Taipei who is studying in Washington, D.C., came to visit, so my brother and I took him singhtseeing. But these were not this month's highlights. The high point was coming back home, a moment I'd been anticipating since the day I left. I arrived home early on the morning of May 15th.

When I saw my parents, I gave them a big hug and kiss. Being close to my parents, standing on this land, and feeling the humidity in the hot air, I knew I was home. The first thing I did was to go to Mei&Mei (美而美) for a big breakfast. It was so much better than the school cafeteria!
Mei&Mei was just a start. There are so many foods I have to eat and so many friends I want to see. The hot air is burning my face and the sweat is evaporating from my skin. I love this feeling. This is where I belong.

highlight n. 最精彩的部分
=> the best/most exciting/entertaining/interesting part of something
eg: Beyonce's singing was the highlight of the show.
=> Beyonce的歌唱是這場表演最精彩的部分。
eg: The highlights from the football game will be shown on today's news.
=> 這場足球賽的精彩畫面會在今天的新聞播出。

humid adj. 潮濕的
humidity n. 濕氣/濕度
=> the amount of moisture/water in the air
=> the percentage of water in the air
eg: The humidity in the room was so high that I felt kind of sick.
=> 這個房間太潮濕了讓我感到有點兒不舒服。
eg: The humidity today is around 60 percent.
=> 今天的濕度大約是60%。

vapor n. 水蒸氣
evaporate v. 蒸發
eg: If you open the window, the steam in the bathroom will evaporate faster.
=> 如果您把窗口打開,浴室裡的蒸汽會蒸發得快一點。
eg: His worries evaporated while playing with his daughter.
=> 當他與女兒一起玩時,他的煩惱都煙消雲散了。

suitcase n. 小型旅行箱/手提箱
=> a square case that you probably use whenever you travel or go some place
sightseeing Un. 觀光/遊覽

final n.
=> final exams

anticipate n. 期望
=> look forward to
=> expect

//== Chat room ==//

big deal 了不得的事情

It's not a big deal. 小事一樁

你可以問What's the big deal?
What's the big deal? 什麼事讓大家大叫大嚷的?
=> Why is so important?
=> Why is everyone talking about it?
=> It implies that you want to what it is about
eg: What's the big deal with Facebook
eg: What's the big deal with the celebrity?

big deal 重要人物
eg: He thinks he's a big deal. 他以為自己很重要

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Mei&Mei was just a start.
=> Mei&Mei was just the first place he is getting food. He still had so many places to go and so many things to eat.

just a start
=> let the reader/audience to know there is more to come and
=> what was mentioned isn't the only thing

eg: Visiting this world famous museum is just a start, we will also be touring a famous cathedral and the presidential palace.
eg: We'll meet at the cafe for a snack but that's just a start, I've planned a lot of other fun activities.

2010年5月29日 星期六

20100529 What's in a Nym (2)

What's in a "Nym"?

These interesting words have their origin in the proper name of a real or fictional person or thing. Examples include sandwich from the Earl of Sandwich, who is credited with the food's invention. And boycott comes from Charles Boycott (1832-1897) an Irish land agent.

This is one of two or more words that haved the same spelling or pronunciation but differ in meaning. For example, some homonyms are buy, bye and by or peek, peak and pique. Homonyms with the same spelling but different meanings would be bank - a place to keep money, and bank - the side of a stream or river. These are also called heteronyms.

Exonyms are place names foreigners use that differ from the place names in the original language. For example, English speakers use the exonym Vienna for the Austrian Wien. Chinese use the exonym Mei Guo(美國) for the United States.

A metonym is a common word or phrase that also has an associated meaning. For example, the White House means the American executive branch of the government. Tongue is a metonym for a language or dialect.

boycott n. 抵制
=> show you don't support something by not using/purchasing
eg: People are boycotting beef products imported from the foreign country.
=> 人們正在抵制從外國進口的牛肉產品。
eg: The union boycotted the private meeting between the owner and some of the workers.
=> 公會抵制這個老闆和部分員工私下舉行的會議。

pique n. 生氣/激怒
=> cause them to be angry
eg: He left in a fit of pique, demonstrating that he was treated unfairly.
=> 他一賭氣就走了,一邊抗議他被不合理地對待了。

pigue v. 生氣/激怒
=> 通常都用被動式
eg: She was piqued by her husband's harsh words.
=> 她被她的先生苛刻的話給激怒了。

dialect n. (區域性)方言/土話
=> a variation of a language
eg: Canonnese 廣東話
eg: Timocthy can speak the regional dialect fluently.
=> Timocthy可以流利地講地方方言。

language 方言, 土話
=> 國家或一個民族所使用的語言
eg: Mandarin 國語

eponym n. 名祖(其名字用來命名人種,土地,時代的人)

homonym n. 同音異義字/同形同音異義字;/同形異義字
=> words have the same spellings or pronunciation but different meaning

=> place names that foreigners use that differ from the place names in the original language.

metonym n. 換喻詞

fictional adj. 虛構的
=> fictional people/story

earl n. (英)伯爵
=> a person very high rank lives in the England a long time ago

Why are movies stars so cool?
=> Because they have so many fans.

//== Chat room ==//

eponym n. 人名名詞
=> 指的是源自於人名的名詞

narcissism n. 自戀/自我陶醉/自我中心
=> 源自於希臘神話的美少年Narcissus,他因為長得太俊美了,
=> 當他看到自己水中的倒影的時候,就被它所迷住

narcissist n. 自戀的人

2010年5月28日 星期五

20100528 What's in a Nym (1)

What's in a "Nym"?

Have some fun with "nyms"!

How many "nyms" do you know? While you may not know the actual word, you probably know many words that belong to several kinds of "nyms." Words ending in "-nym" often describe different groups of words and the relationship between those words. The suffix "-nym" literally means "name." Let's look at a few:

English would be so simple if there were only one word for one meaning. But then language would also be extremely boring, so we have many synonyms or words that have the same or nearly the same meanings. Roget's Thesaurus lists 50 synonyms for the world beautiful, all with slight variations in meaning.

These are pairs of words that have opposite or nearly opposite meanings. Some examples would be slow and fast, nervous and calm, and abundant and scarce.

An acronym is formed from the first letter of each word in a phrase. For example, NATO comes from North Atlantic Treaty Organization or PIN for personal identification number. Acronyms are one kind of abbreviation, but not all abbreviations are acronyms. Dr. for doctor and km for kilometer are abbreviations - shortened forms of words.

liter- 文字
literally adv. 照字面上地
=> not figurative
eg: The interpreter didn't translate the speaker's words literally, because it would be kind of offensive.
=> 口譯員並沒有逐字翻譯報告人的話,因為聽起來有點兒冒犯。

literally adv. 實在地
eg: The flood literally caused over $5 million worth of damage.
=> 這場洪水確實造成5百萬元的損失。

variation n. 差異/變化
eg: The research team recorded variations in temperature at the North Pole during the last ten years.
=> 這個研究團隊記錄北極在最近十年來度的溫度變化。
eg: There are wide variations in babies' responses to this kind of music.
=> 小寶寶們對這種音樂的反應差異非常大。

abbreviation n. 縮寫
eg: "U.S.A." is the abbreviation for "The United States of America".
=> "U.S.A."是對美國的簡稱。

abbreviate v.
eg: "The United Nations" is abbreviated as "UN".
=> "聯合國"的縮寫為"UN"。

abundant adj. 大量的/充足的
=> there is more than you need

synonym n. 同義字
antonym n. 反義字
acronym n. 首字母縮略字

//== Chat room ==//

thesaurus n. 同義辭典
=> 按照字母順序排列,雖然thesaurus會提供你許多同義字,
=> 但是不同的單字往往有不同的connotations
=> 因此除非你學過的單字,要不然還是避免使用從未聽過的單字,以免用錯。

alphabetical order 字母順序

connotations n. 特別的含意/言外之意

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

While you may not know the actual word, you probably know many words that belong to several kinds of "nyms"

While you may not know..., you probably know...

eg: While you may not know who your speaker is today, you probably know her father who is a famous actor.
eg: While you may not know how to read the commands, you probably know many of the icons on the computer screen.

2010年5月27日 星期四

20100527 Choosing an MBA Program (2)

Choosing an MBA Program

New job, new life
If you want to change careers or industries, working on an MBA full-time may be the way to go. Traditional MBA programs take two years to complete. These programs can be very expensive, but graduates gain special skills, experience and knowledge. Some schools also offer intensive one-year programs.

Advancing your career
Many professionals want to pursure MBA degrees without quitting work. If this is you, think about doing a part-time, distance or online MBA program. But be careful. Many employers prefer traditional two-year programs to these degrees.

Becoming the boss
Those with a lot of experience in their field may wish to pursure an Executive MBA (EMBA). These degrees provide a general business education for upper-level managers. Most EMBA students have jobs and spend 80 to 100 hours on work and study each week. Take your time and choose carefully. Finding the right MBA program may be one of the most important career decisions you ever make.

graduate v. 畢業
=> finish school
eg: Jason graduated from college last summer.
=> 賈森年夏天大學畢業。

graduate n. 畢業生(和動詞的念法不同)
eg: Rick is a graduate of Yale.
=> 瑞克是耶魯大學的畢業生。
eg: Graduates of this major usually get hired before they even graduate.
eg: 這個主修的畢業生通常在他們還沒畢業,就已經被錄用。

intensive adj. 加強的/密集的
eg: The movie star received intensive training in martial arts and boxing before shooting the movie.
=> 這位影星在拍電影之前接受了密集的武術和拳擊訓練。
eg: The intensive treatment was hard on the patient but it proved to be effective.
=> 這個密集的治療對病患來說是很辛苦,但是結果證明是有效的。

pursue v. 追求/繼續深造
=> work toward to your goal
eg: Adam decided to pursue his dream as an actor.
=> 亞當決定要追求他的夢想作為演員。
eg: Laura is pursuing her studies at USC right now.
=> Laura現在在南加州洲大學繼續深造。

//== Chat room ==//

business n. 企業/生意/
business n. (口語上)事情

How's business? 生意如何?

go out of business 關門大吉

Mind your own business.
= It's none of your business.
=> 這不關你的事=不要管閒事

have no business doing something 不應該做某件事
eg: You have no business reading my journal.
=> 你不應該讀我的日記

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

If you want to change careers or industries, working on an MBA full-time may be the way to go.

the way to go
=> the right choice

eg: Attending the weekly English club might be the way to go.
eg: Creating a good first impression is the way to go.

2010年5月26日 星期三

20100526 Choosing an MBA Program (1)

Choosing an MBA Program

Find the program that's right for you

Choosing an MBA program is a big decision. With thousands of universities to choose from, finding the right program takes time. So how do you find one that is right for you? People attend business school for different reasons. Some want to change careers or advance in their current jobs. Others want to develop contacts, skills and experience in their fields. Before choosing a program, know what you want to get out of your studies. Don't just rely on school rankings.

Learn all you can about the courses you will take and the people who will teach them. Make sure the program you choose offers classes that will help you in your future career. Completing an MBA requires a huge investment of time and money. Know what your MBA will really cost - including living expenses, books and travel. Think about how the program will affect your life. Contact former MBA students to see if they can offer you any helpful suggestions.

current adj. 現在的/目前的
eg: Did you buy the current issue of Time magazine?
=> 您買了這一期的時代雜誌了嗎?
eg: We'll keep you updated on current events at the company.
=> 我們會讓您知道公司目前的活動。
eg: The current price of the product is about $100.
=> 產品的目前價格大約為$100美金

investment n. 投資
eg: Buying real estate can be a smart long-term investment.
=> 購買的房地產可是聰明的長期投資。
eg: There's been a significant investment of time and money in order to complete this project.
=> 為了完成這個計劃投下的時間和金錢都已經相當的多。

suggestion n. 建議
=> an idea that is given to you
eg: I made several suggestions to my boss, but he didn't accept them.
=> 我提出了幾個建議給我的上司,但是他並沒有接受。
eg: We went to Bali Island for vacation at Naomi's suggestion and we had a great time.

program n. 課程
=> university set/group of require courses/classes
=> the collection of classes that university think it necessary for you to have

//== Chat room ==//
expert n. 專家

field n. 田野/田地
field n. 知識的領域/某一個專業領域

an expert in his field
eg: He is an expert in the field of psychology.
=> 她是心理學領域的專家

discipline n. 紀律/管教
academic discipline 學校的科目

2010年5月25日 星期二

20100525 Emily Osment - Disney's Newest Rising Star (2)

Emily Osment - Disney's Newest Rising Star

Her home life

Emily comes from a close family.
Her parents had decided long ago to help her avoid the difficulties other teen stars have encountered. Wheh Emily was 15, her dad decided that driving and dating should wait until later. This went against the norm as most of her friends were already doing both.

Her career
At 18, Emily is driving and dating a little too, but mostly she's focusing on her career. And to Emily's delight, it is a career that now includes music!

She released her first Ep. All the Right Wrongs, in the fall of 2009. Immediately afterward, she started working on her first CD, which debuted this spring and includes songs written by Emily. As someone who loves being busy. Emily has s schedule that should keep her very happy. She has acting, singing, writing, touring and charity events lined up for the next year! Emily once said, "I'm trying to follow in my brother's footsteps, because I know he's really talented." But these days, rather than following. Emily is blazing a trail of her own!

en- 使如何如何
encounter v. 遇見/遭遇
=> meet
eg: We encountered a terrible snow storm when we visited Washington D.C.
=> 當我們參觀了華盛頓特區的時候遭遇了一場可怕的大風雪.
eg: He encountered many difficulties when he first started his business.
=> 當他開始建立他的事業的時候,遭遇了許多困難。

delight n. 欣喜/高興
=> the feeling of pleasure/happiness
eg: My son Samuel is the delight of my life.
=> 我的兒子Samuel是我的生命中的喜樂。

to someone's delight 讓某人很開心
eg: To Mike's father's delight, he decided to follow in his footsteps to become an engineer.
=> Mike要步父親的後成成為工程師的決定讓他的父親非常的開心。

blaze a trail 成為開路先鋒
=> 原先意思為登山時,在沿途的樹上做記號
eg: James Cameron blazed a trail in animation with his latest movie "Avatar".
=> 詹姆斯卡麥倫最近的電影"阿凡達"使他成為動畫電影的開路先鋒 。

norm n. 基準;規範
=> 前面要加the
=> what most people consider to be normal

=> a CD collecting about 4 to 5 songs

charity n. 慈悲/仁愛/博愛/慈善[U]
=> event that raises money to give people who is in need

//== Chat room ==//

peer pressure 同儕壓力

fit in 融入/被接納
fit 合適/合身

I don't fit in. 我和別人格格不入

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

And to Emily's delight, it is a career that now includes music!

eg: To Wendy's delight, her children had cleaned up the house.
eg: To Tarya's delight, she was upgraded from economy class to business class.

to one's surprise
eg: To every one's surprise, the 4 year old child played the piano beautifully.

to one's horror
eg: To Stella's horror, her cat knocked over the 300 year-old antique vase.

2010年5月24日 星期一

20100524 Emily Osment - Disney's Newest Rising Star (1)

Emily Osment - Disney's Newest Rising Star

Hannah Montana's best friend is finding her own voice

In the past, those familiar with Emily Osment knew her simply as child star Haley Joel Osment's little sister. These days, however, audiences know her as Lilly Truscott on Disney's hit series Hannah Montana.

A family of actors
Having an actor for a father means Emily has acting in her blood. Not surprisingly, she landed her first acting role at the young age of 6 in a TV commercial. After appearing in several more commercials, Emily made her movie debut in the 1999 film The Secet Life of Girls. However, it was the 2002 role of Gerti Giggles in Spy Kids 2 that brought her worldwide recognition. But if Spy Kids 2 made her famous, Hannah Montana turned Emily into a teenage superstar!

With success comes challenges
Fame and success have brought some changes into the young actress's life. She used to attend public school, but now she has a private tutor. According to Emily, constantly being in the limelight can sometimes be hard. But with a wide array of ongoing projects, Emily's not complaining too much!

series n. 系列
=> 單數型和複數形的拼法都是一樣的
=> television program where the stories fit together
eg: I missed the last episode of the TV series. Can someone tell me what happened?
=> 我錯過了這部電視影集的最後一集。可否有人能告訴我發生了什麼事嗎?
eg: The writer's sci-fi series is simply classic.
=> 這位作家的科幻小說系列簡直就是精典.

recognize v. 認可
recognition n. 認可/贊賞
eg: He received recognition from his colleagues for his contribution to the project.
=> 因為他對這個案子的貢獻讓他得到同事們的認可。

in recognition of something 因為某件事而要表達肯定
eg: He was given an award in recognition of what he did for the company.
=> 公司因為認可他的貢獻而頒獎給他。

array n. 一系列/大批/大量
=> a huge number of something
eg: A wide array of the most fashionable clothing is displayed for the VIP customers to choose from.
=> 多種系最流行的服裝成列在VIP顧客前讓他們挑選。
eg: The splendid array of gourmet food on the table looked so delicious.

in one's blood
=> have special ability/natural ability to do something

=> land a job

debut n. 次露面/初次登臺
=> happen for the first time

superstar n. 超級明星

limelight n. 眾人注目的中心
=> in the public attention
=> in the focus of the public

//== Chat room ==//

=> I don't like to have people's attention on me. (聽起來像是中文式的英文)
=> I don't like the limelight.
=> I don't like to be in the spotlight.

spotlight n. 聚光燈/引人注意的中心
limelight n. 石灰燈/引人注意的中心

spot n. 焦點
to be put on the spot 使某人處於難堪的地位/把某人放在有壓力的情況下

//== More Information ==//

Fun Facts about Emily Osment
Emily likes to play soccer in her free time.
She describes herself as shy.
Emily says she's not great at keeping secrets.
She hopes to someday swim with dolphins.
Emily likes to cook and enjoys making breakfast for her family.
Her mother is an English teacher, and Emily's favorite subjects are English and literature.

2010年5月21日 星期五

20100521 Fun Under The Midnight Sun (1)

Fun Under The Midnight Sun

The sun shines on the White Nights Festival

Tonight, most people around the world will turn in for the night after darkness settles. But for many in St. Petersburg, Russia, the late hours won't keep people in - the late hours will draw people out. For the next three months, the White Nights Festival, an international arts celebration like no other, will welcome visitors from far and wide. Taking place during the season of the midnight sun, the famed festival has something for everyone - so long as they're willing to stay out late.

Stars of the White Nights
The festival kicks off tonight with a performance of Stars of the White Nights. Composed of ballet, opera and symphony events, this portion of the festival features famous local and international performers, Maestro and festival artistic director Valery Gergiev created Stars of the White Nights in 1993 as a "musical gift" to St. Petersburg. Initially a 10-day event, Stars of the White Nights now spans the entire three-month run of the festival. Audience members enjoy outstanding performances by renowned conductors, dancers and musicians in the historic Mariinsky Theatre and Mariinsky Concert Hall.

turn in 上床睡覺
eg: Ellen usually turns in at 11 pm.
=> Ellen一般都晚上11點睡覺。
eg: The kids turned in after listening to their bedtime stories.
=> 小朋友聽完床邊故事後就睡著了。
eg: Don't call Grandpa this late! He's probably already turned in for the night!
=> 不要這麼晚打電話給外公! 他大概已經上床睡覺了!

draw out
draw someone out 吸引某人前來
draw drew drawn
eg: The sequel to the blockbuster drew many fans out.
=> 對轟動電影的續集令許多影迷前來觀賞。
eg: Wonderful weather drew people out to the parks.
=> 好的天氣吸引人們到公園玩。

kick off 開始/展開
eg: The basketball game will kick off in 5 minutes.
=> 籃球比賽會在5分鐘後將開始 .
eg: The awards ceremony kicked off with an orchestra performance.
=> 管弦樂團的表演為這個頒獎典禮揭開序幕。

//== Chat room ==//

stay in 待在家裡不外出
stay out 待在外頭晚上不回家

stay up 熬夜
stay up late 不上床/熬夜
stay over 過夜

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

...the white Nights Festival, an international arts celebration like no other, will welcome visitors from far and wide.

like no other
like no other celebration

eg: I have attended many concerts before, but this musician's performance was like no other.
eg: That restaurant serves a spaghetti dish like no other.

2010年5月20日 星期四

20100520 Architecture (2)


SC: How do buildings convey ideas?

JJP: A building is like a human being. It has expressions and gestures. A building should express what its role is. A theater should look like a theater. But it should also reflect the type of theater it is, the location and its environment.

SC: Why is good architecture important?

JJP: Everybody lives and works in buildings. Architecture is man-made, and no matter where a structure is, it has to complement its environment. Otherwise it will become an offensive object ecause it doesn't go away. It's very important for architecture to be right for its environment.

SC: How important is local culture and tradition to the design of a new building?

JJP: I think it is very important. If a building does not reflect its locality, then it means the building can be placed anywhere in the world. That would be disappointing because when you go to Thailand, you want to see Thai culture. When you go to Turkey, you want to see Turkish culture. You con't want to see a building from New York City in those places.

complement v. 陪襯/與...相配
=> make things more complete
eg: The shade of her hair complements her complexion.
=> 她的頭髮顏色和她的膚色很相稱。
eg: Grapes and cheese complement each other very well.
=> 葡萄乳酪互相搭配起來很好吃。
eg: Eric's management skills complement his partner Henry's creativity.
=> Eric的管理技巧和他的夥伴Henry的創意相輔相成。

offense n. 引起反感的事物
offensive adj. 唐突的/冒犯的
=> unpleasant
eg: The singer's offensive comments were strongly criticized by the press.
=> 這個歌手唐突的言論遭到媒體強烈批評。
eg: The flowers look pretty, but they have an offensive smell.
=> 這些花看起來相當漂亮,但是聞起來很不舒服。

local adj. 當地的
locality n. 地區/所在地
eg: Certain remote localities were affected by the water shortage.
=> 缺水的問題影響到特定的幾個偏遠地區。
eg: The pilot reported his exact locality.
=> 飛行員報告了他確實地點。

convey v. 運送/搬運/轉運
=> communicate an idea

reflect v. 反射/映現
=> express

man-made adj. 人造的
=> made by human beings

//== Chat room ==//

It has expressions and gestures.
=> personification 擬人化

gesture v. 比手畫腳/作手勢/用動作來示意
gesture n. 一種舉動/一份心意
=> 若你要去商店買東西,你問別人要不要順便幫他買,這就是一個貼心的舉動(guesture)

eg: The stars wink at me. 天上的星星向我眨眼
eg: I think I hear the coffee shop calling your name.

2010年5月19日 星期三

20100519 Architecture (1)


The importance of designing buildings well

SC: What do architects do?

JJP: Architects guide buildings from the planning stage through construction to completion. We communicate with clients to develop a concept for a design. Then we produce detailed drawings, details and cost estimates for the project. When a contractor has been hired, architects make sure the project stays on time and on budget and is built to quality standards. Then we turn the building over to the client.

SC: Why did you become an architect?

JJP: I became an architect because I liked both logical and artistic thinking. I thought that architecture really would let me use both. In architecture, you need to be logical about the construction of buildings, but you also need to be artistic and creative.

SC: Why do architects design buildings to look the way they do?

JJP: There are a lot of factors that affect how a building will look. Architects need to consider cultural and social factors as well as the requirements of the users. We also need to think about the building type, site and engineering aspects of the project. The best designs are those that consider all of these factors and address the concerns associated with them.

architecture Un. 建築學/建築設計/建築風格
=> the art and science of designing the buildings
eg: The Empire State Building represents the unique architecture of New York City.
=> 帝國大廈是紐約特殊的代表性建築。

architect n. 建築師
=> a person who is an expert in architecture
eg: I.M. Pei is one of the most famous architects in the world.
=> I.M. Pei是世界上最著名的建築師之一。

logic n. 邏輯
logical adj. 邏輯的
eg: Debate competitions can train one's logical thinking.
=> 辯論賽可以訓練一個人邏輯性的思考

logical adj. 合乎邏輯的/合理的
eg: It seems quite logical to work for awhile before going to college.
=> 去念大學之前先工作一陣子似乎相當合理的。

aspec- 看
aspect n. 方面/層面
=> the part of something
eg: Editing is an important aspect of filmmaking.
=> 剪接其實是製作電影非常重要的一個層面。
eg: His unstable emotions constantly affect many aspects of his life.
=> 他不穩定的情緒不斷影響他的生活的許多方面。

construction n. 建造/建設
=> the act of making the building

contractor n. 立契約者/承包人/承包商
=> the person who is in charge of leading the construction of a building
=> the man leads the construction person

//== Chat room ==//


left brain 左腦
=> 左腦偏重於analytical thinking

right brain 右腦
=> 右腦偏重creativity, imagination,即圖像式思考

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

Then we turn the building over to the client.
=> Then we let the client have control of the building.

turn over
=> transfer or give something to someone else so they can have control

eg: I'm sure you're all looking forward to hearing what our speaker has to say, so I'm going to turn over the microphone to him.
eg: The company will turn over its operation to the new owners next month.


turn over
=> take something and make the buttom become the top
eg: Fry the fish for seven minutes and then turn it over.

2010年5月18日 星期二

20100518 Soccer - the Worlds Game (2)

Soccer - the Worlds Game

The world's sport

Identifying a single reason for soccer's worldwide popularity is a challenge. But one reason is how simple the sport is. While many sports require special equipment, soccer requires only two feet and a ball. This makes it a sport that developing countries can easily play. Some of the sport's best players come from these poor nations. Also, soccer performances are pleasing to the eye. The sport's basic no-hands rule prompts beautiful dance-like movements on the field.

In addition, this sport excites the heart. Teams might score only a few times per match, so matches can turn around suddenly. The world's true love for soccer, however, seems rooted in nationalism. Since FIFA's birth, soccer's most competitive matches have been nation against nation. So when people cheer for their team they are also cheering for their country. No one knows who will win at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa next month. But one thing is certain: The world will be watching.

identify v. 確認/確定
=> recognize
eg: We're trying to identify what caused the fire by collecting evidence.
=> 我們透過收集證據來確認引起火災的原因。
eg: A good problem solver needs to be able to identify the problem.
=> 一個厲害解決問題者需要能確認問題在那裡。
eg: She went to the police to identify the suspect.
=> 她去警察局去指認嫌疑犯。

developing country 開發中國家
=> a poor country that lack natural resources so they are trying to develop their industry
eg: The stock market analysts see great potential in developing countries this year.
=> 股市分析師看到今年發展中國家的潛力。

developed country 已開發的國家
eg: The birthrate in developed countries is getting lower and lower each year.
=> 已開發國家的生育率一年比一年越來越低。

prompt v. 激發出/引起
=> cause比prompt強烈,cause為非自願
=> make you want to do something
eg: The mayor's comments prompted many angry responses.
=> 市長的言論激起了許多憤怒的反應。
eg: The movie star's vagueness prompted the reporters to ask more questions.
=> 這位電影明星的含糊以對激發記者們問更多的問題。

pleasing to the eye.
=> fun to watch

=> look like a dance

nationalism n. 1.民族主義/國家主義
=> a deep love for your counrty

cheer v. 歡呼/喝采
=> clap

//== Chat room ==//

rooted in 根緣由/深植於
=> establish in something
=> base on
eg: The world's true love for soccer seems rooted in nationalism.
=> 全球對足球的熱愛似乎根緣由愛國主義。

root n. 根/根源/來源
=> base
eg: Money is the root of all evil. 金錢是萬惡之根

root v. 為參賽者加油打氣
root for someone 為...加油
eg: What team are you rooting for? 你是幫那一對加油?
eg: The whole team is rooting for him. 全隊的人都在為他加油打氣

//== Grammer on the go ==//

Also, soccer performances are pleasing to the eye.
=> Also, soccer performances are beautiful to watch.

pleasing to the eye
=> pretty, attractive or good-looking

eg: I think those color combinations are pleasing to the eye.
eg: How my friend has decorated for the party is very inviting and pleasing to the eye.

2010年5月17日 星期一

20100517 Soccer - the Worlds Game (1)

Soccer - the Worlds Game

Whether you call it "soccer" or "foothall," the whole world loves this sport!

Soccer, or football, ranks as the world's favorite sport - hands down. Soccer claims around 3 billion fans - nearly half the world's population! And according to FIFA's count in 2006, 265 million people play this game. That's 4 percent of the global population!

The game's roots
Determining soccer's original birthplace isn't easy. Many ancient peoples played early forms of this modern game. Cu ju (蹴鞠), a ball-kicking game in ancient China, was reported as early as 2,500 B.C.

Around the same time, Greeks were also playing a similar ball game without using their hands. During the Middle Ages, different varieties of the sport developed and spread throughout Europe. But modern soccer didn't become official until 1863 when England's Cobb Morley stepped in. Morley introduced the idea of a football association and wrote the sport's official rules. This association, founded in London, would later spark other associations in countries outside Britain. These would eventually come together to form the FIFA, which organizes the World Cup.

hand down 毫無爭議地
=> without much effort
=> usually we see the phrase in sporting context
=> 另外和踢足球時不能用手,因此有雙關之意
eg: Michael Jackson was one of the most talented entertainers, hand down.
=> Michael Jackson 毫無疑問是最有才華的藝人之一。

hand down 輕而易舉的
eg: The football team won hands down over their opponents.
=> 這支美式足球隊輕而易舉地打敗他們的對手。

claim v. 聲稱/宣稱有某個權力或東西
eg: The candidate claimed victory before all the tickets were even counted.
=> 候選人在所有票還沒清點完之前就聲稱勝利。
eg: If no one claims the lost notebook, the person who found it should be able to keep it.
=> 如果沒有人來認領這台筆記型電腦,撿到的人應該可以保留它。

step in 插手/介入
=> get involved in the situation
eg: The police had to step in and stop the conflict between the two groups of protesters.
=> 警察必須介入來平息二組抗議者之間的衝突。
eg: The teacher stepped in to end our argument.
=> 老師介入來平息我們的爭論。

claim v. 聲稱
FIFA [Federation Internationale de Football Association] 國際足球聯盟
birthplace n. 出生地/發源地
World Cup 世界杯

=> begin/start

//== Chat room ==//

當時的足球比賽統稱為Association Football(協會式足球)

soccer (美)足球
Association Football

將新的運動名字取名為football,也就是American football,

rugby 橄欖球
American football 美式足球

//== More Information ==//

Most of the world calls it football, but in some places, such as the United States, people call it soccer. Where does the name soccer come from? It comes from the abbreviation a-s-s-o-c, which is short for association - years ago the sport's official name was Association Football. Soccer is different from American or Canadian football and rugby in that it is mostly played with the feet.

2010年5月15日 星期六

2010年5月14日 星期五

20100514 Franz Joseph Haydn Master Composer (1)

Franz Joseph Haydn: Master Composer

The Austrian composer who became known as the "Father of the Symphony"

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) had a long and prolific musical career, composing countless pieces of music over five decades. His significant contributions to symphony and string quartet music influenced musicians like his friend Mozart and student Beethoven and ushered in music's classical period.

From singing to writing music
Son of a music-loving wheel maker, Haydn was sent to a relative's for music training when he was only 6. Discovered by a choir director two years later, the young boy became a treble in the St. Stephen's Cathedral boys choir in Vienna, Austria.

When Haydn turned 17, his voice mature, and he could no longer sing the high notes, so he was subsequently dismissed from the choir. Staying in Vienna, he taught and performed music to make ends meet, all the while teaching himself music theory and composition. In, 1761 the 29-year-old Haydn landed a job as Kapellmeister for the royal Esterhazy family. His responsibilities comprised managing an orchestra and composing music for the prince.

Haydn floursihed in the steady employ of appreciative masters. He once said, "I could ... make experiments, observe what created an impression, and what weakened it, thus improving, adding to, cutting away, and running risks."

choir n. 合唱團/詩班
eg: Patrick is a tenor in the church choir.
=> Patrick是教會合唱團的男高音
eg: Wesley never misses choir practice.
=> Wesley詩班練習從沒有缺席過
eg: The choir plays an essential part in the concert.
=> 合唱團在這場演唱會扮演舉足輕重的角色

subsequently adv. 隨後/後來
eg: Susan graduated from college and subsequently continued with a master's program.
=> Susan大學畢業後,她隨即就繼續讀碩士的課程
eg: The singer's first album was an instant hit. Subsequently, she received immediate fame and wealth.
=> 這張歌手出了第一張專輯後立即大賣,名聲與財富立即隨後而來

com- 一起
comprise v. 包含/由...組合
eg: The committee comprises 12 students' parents as respresentatives.
=> 這個委員會由十二位學生家長代表組合而成
eg: The seminar comprises physical training, lectures and group discussion.
=> 這個研習會包括體能訓練講座以及團體討論

//== Chat room ==//

symphony n. 交響曲/交響樂團/交響音樂會
go to the symphony 去聽交響音樂會

一個交響曲是由symphony orchestra所演奏出來的
symphony orchestra 交響樂團

woodwinds 木管樂器
brass 銅管樂器
strings 弦樂器
percussion 打擊樂器

2010年5月13日 星期四

20100513 Mosquitoes and Lasers (1)

Mosquitoes and Lasers

A new weapon could saue millions of liues

Malaria kills - especially children, taking at least one child every thirty seconds. However, scientists are hard at work developing laser technology to fight the terrible disease. The laser gun or Weapon of Mosquito Destruction (WMD) has the potential to stop malaria by destroying mosquitoes with one shot. In 2007, scientist Lowell Wood met with other scientists and suggested using old laser technology to destroy mosquitoes. The laser is modeled after a weapon developed to protect the U.S. from Soviet missiles in the 1980s. But the tec hnology was never used. Then in 2008, scientists used a laser to kill a different airborne threat - the mosquito.

How does the weapon work? With the help of a computer, a laser burst burns off the insect's wings, sending the bug to the ground. The machine is even able to distinguish between male and female mosquitoes based on the sound frequency of the wings. Currently, scientists are experimenting with the strength of the laser so that it will not harm other insects and creatures. If the scientists are successful, houses and villages could be surrounded by laser barriers. These barriers would kill mosquitores, stopping the spread of malaria.

de- 除去
destruction U. 破壞/消滅
eg: The destruction of rainforests causes severe environmental problems.
=> 雨林的破壞引起嚴重的環境問題
eg: The hurricane left widespread destruction throughout the coastal area.
=> 這個颶風在整個延海區域造成大範圍的破壞。

airborne adj. 在空中的/空氣傳播的
=> something is carried by the air/wind
eg: The device can eliminate airborne germs and hazardous bacteria.
=> 這個設備可能消滅空中傳播的微生物或是有害的細菌。
eg: Once the airplane is airborne, the flight attendants can start serving drinks and snacks.
=> 飛機升空之後,空服員就可以上飲料和點心了

barrier n. 柵欄/屏障
eg: The police set up barriers to stop the protesters from entering the Presidential Hall.
=> 警方設製柵欄禁止示威者進入總統府。
eg: The mountain acted as a natural barrier to protect the village.
=> 這座山彷彿是這個村莊的天然的屏障

malaria n. 瘧疾
Soviet n. 蘇聯人/蘇聯政府

//== Chat room ==//

The laser gun or Weapon of Mosquito Destruction (WMD) has the potential to stop malaria by destroying mosquitoes with one shot.

shot n. 發射/開槍

get a shot 打針/注射
get a flu shot 打流感預防針

get shot 中彈
eg: He got shot in the battle.

take shot 殺球/射門/投籃

Nice shot! 投得漂亮

//== Grammer on the Go ==//

...scientists are hard at work dev eloping laser technology to fight the terrible disease.
=> ...scientists are working hard to develop laser technology to fight the terrible disease.

hard at work
=> work hard

eg: Why are you watching TV? You should be hard at work instead.
eg: Researchers are hard at work looking for the cure.

//== More Information ==//

Mosquito Facts

Only female mosquitoes bite people, male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar. Mosquitoes are attracted to human breath. A female mosquito can lay 200 eggs at one time. These egg can survive for more than five years. Mosquitoes are drawn to dark clothing. When mosquitoes bite they release chemicals into your skin that make your skin itch.

nectar n. 花蜜

2010年5月12日 星期三

20100512 Summer Movies (3)

Summer Movies


No summer is complete without comedies. Laugh at Marmaduke. He's a lovable great dane who tries to cope with his family's move to California. This live-action comedy finds Marmaduke in many crazy situations including a surfing competition. Ramona and Beezus, starring Selma Gomez, is based on a set of best-selling books. Ramona Quimby's active imagination and unlimited energy get her into lots of trouble. In the action-comedy Knight and Day, a small-town woman-Cameron Diaz - goes on a bline date. Her life is turned upside down when her date - Tom Cruise - turns out to be a super spy.

The romantic drama Letters to Juliet follows Sophia, a young American woman, as she travels to Verona, Italy. The city is famous for Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet. Sophia answers an old letter to Juliet seeking advice about love, and it changes her life. Whether it's laughs, romance or adventure, you'll find it at the movies this summer.

base on something 依據某個事實/東西而改編的
eg: This movie is based on Steven King's novel.
=> 這部電影根據史蒂文King的小說改編的。
eg: The novel is based on the famous musician's autobiography.
=> 這部小說是根據這位著名音樂家的自傳改編的。

blind-date 由別人所安排的男女初次約會或相親
eg: Rita went on a blind-date yesterday. It went very well.
=> Rita昨天去了朋友所安排的約會,結果相當的好。

blind-date 指約會的對象
eg: Mark liked his blind-date right after they met.
=> Mark 一見到這個盲目約會的對象之後就喜歡上她了。

romance n. 愛情故事
romantic adj. 浪漫的
eg: The movie is about the romance between a wealthy girl and a poor boy.
=> 這部電影是關於一個富裕的女孩和貧窮男孩之間的愛情故事。
eg: Vivian had a very romantic dinner with her boyfriend last night.
=> Vivian昨晚與她的男朋友享受了非常浪漫晚餐。

comedy n. 喜劇
canine adj. 犬的/狗的/似犬的

=> one kind of dog that is very large

//== Chat room ==//

Whether it's laughs, romance or adventure, you'll find it at the movies this summer.
= Whether it's laughs, romance or adventure, you'll find it at the movie theater this summer.

I'm going to the movies.

the movies 電影院
=> the movies用複數指的是放映很多部電影的地方
= the movie theater
=> 在美國看電影都是自由入座,想要有好位子早一點入場就可以挑到好位子

2010年5月11日 星期二

20100511 Summer Movies (2)

Summer Movies


Young people will enjoy a remake of the 1984 film The Karate Kid. Filmed in China, the picture stars Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan. In the movie, a single mother moves to China with her son Dre. Once there, Dre gets interested in martial arts. He wants to protect himself from mean kids at school. His teacher is a martial arts master named Mr. Han. Another adventure film, Prince of Persia, comes from a popular video game.

This fantasy tells the story of Prince Dastan. He is a 6th-century Persian Prince. He and a beautiful princess join together to stop a villain from getting the Sands of Time. This treasure can actually turn back time. The film has many exciting special effects. Adventure moves to modern times in Salt. Angelina Jolie stars as a CIA officer accused of being a Russian spy. She must go on the run and try to prove her innocence.

villain n. 故事中的反派/壞人
=> the bad guy
eg: The actor made a comeback by playing the villain in the blockbuster movie.
=> 這位演員因為演出這部轟動電影的反派角色而東山再起。
eg: The villain in the story became a good guy by the end.
=> 這個壞人到故事結束時成為了一個善良者。
eg: She was cast to be the villain in the play.
=> 她被選上演出這齣戲劇的反派角色。

accuse v. 指控/控告
accuse someone of something 控告某人某事
eg: Nathan was accused of cheating.
=> Nathan被指控考試作弊。
eg: He was accused of stealing the company's money.
=> 他被控盜用公司的錢。
eg: The doctor was accused of negligence by several patients.
=> 這位醫生被好幾名患者指控有醫療上疏失。

innocence n. 無辜/清白
eg: The lawyer proved the defendant's innocence with concrete evidence.
=> 律師用了具體的證據證明了被告清白。
eg: He claimed his innocence when he was arrested.
=> 他被拘捕時,宣稱自己是無辜的。

adventure (n) 1.冒險,冒險精神
martial art 武術(源於東方的幾種搏鬥技巧,如空手道、柔道等)

fantasy n. 空想/幻想/夢想

CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] (美國)中央情報局

spy n. 間諜
=> a person who tries to collect information about other countries by acting someone they are not.

//== Chat room ==//


=> refer to the movie
=> motion picture
=> 電影除了可以叫movie,也可以叫picture
=> 電影早期叫做motion picture,字面上為移動的圖片,後來就簡稱為picture
=> movie用於一般大眾化娛樂性質的商業片

=> 電影還可以叫film
=> film是比較有藝術價值的,比較有深度的電影

film festival 影展
the big screen 大銀幕
= the movie
=> 電影也可以叫做big screen,
=> big screen除了可以當作名詞也可以當作形容詞
eg: Who is your big screen star?
eg: He is a big-screen star.
= He is a movie star.

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

She must go on the run and try to prove her innocence.
=> How Angelina Jolie is trying to escape from people who want to capture her.

on the run
=> try to get/stay away from something
eg: The bank robbers were on the run from the FBI.
eg: The police have issued an arrest warrant, and the suspect is now on the run.


on the run
=> how somebody is in a hurry trying to get from place to place
eg: Matilda has been on the run, picking up different things for the party.
eg: Nancy's scheduie is very crazy, she is always on the run.



20100510 Summer Movies (1)

Summer Movies

What's playing in theaters this summer?

Movie fans know that Hollywood offers many exciting titles during the summer. From May to August, here's some of what eager moviegoers can expect to see. Many sequels hit the screen this summer. Robert Downey Jr. again plays Tong Stark/Iron Man in Iron Man 2. Nick Fury, a character from the 2008 movie, asks Tony for help. He wants to stop a criminal named "The Mandarin." The fourth Shrek film is Shrek Forever After. It introduces more fairy-tale characters including Rumpelstitskin and Cinderella.

In the movie, Shrek is an ordinary family man. But he longs for the days when he was an ogre. When Rumpelstiltskin gets into mischief and tricks Shrek, trouble begins. Disney's Toy Story 3 continues the story of Woody, Buzz and all their toy box friends. They end up at a daycare when Andy leaves for college. New toys in the story include Ken, who is Barbie's boyfriend, and Mr. Pricklepants, a hedgehog toy.

eager adj. 熱切的/渴望的
eg: Eager fans can't wait for the band's next album.
=> 熱情的粉絲等不及這個樂團的下一張專輯。
eg: The kids are eager to go to the amusement park this weekend.
=> 孩子們都很是渴望週末去遊樂園玩。
eg: I'm eager to watch the new animated film from Pixar.
=> 我很渴望看這部Pixar新推出的動畫電影。

fairy tale n. 童話故事
fairy-tale n. 童話故事的
eg: The fairy-tale wedding was held in a castle in France.
=> 這個童話故事般的婚禮在法國一座城堡舉行。
eg: The movie has a fairy-tale ending.
=> 這部電影有一個童話故事般的結局。

mis- 錯誤
mischief n. 惡作劇/調皮的舉動
=> intentionally trying to get into trouble
get into mischief 惹麻煩
eg: The boy got into mischief at school today and was punished.
=> 這個男孩今天在學校惹麻煩結果被懲罰了。
eg: Maybe working part-time can keep him out of mischief.
=> 也許打打工可以讓他不再調皮搗蛋了

moviegoer n.
=> a person who goes to the movies

sequel n. 續集/續篇
=> a movie that follows another movie

fairy-tale n. 童話故事的
=> a story for children that often involved something kind of magical

ogre n. 食人魔鬼/怪物
end up (ph) 結束/死亡
hedgehog n. (動)蝟/刺蝟/(美)豪豬

//== Chat room ==//

hit v. 前往
=> go to a certain place
eg: hit the gym
eg: You can hit the beach when the weather is nice.
eg: Let's hit the beach. 我們前往海灘吧(俚語的用法)

Many sequels hit the screen this summer.
=> Many movie sequels would come out this summer.
hit the screen 登上大銀幕
=> arrive at the screen
=> a new product can hit the market, we simply means to arrive at the market
=> 一個新產品會hit the market 在市場上推出

sequel 續集
=> a film that just follows another
=> a continuation of a movie
=> 電影/小說/戲劇的續集
=> 一部電影

series n. 系列
=> a film series is a collection of related films like the Harry Potter series and the James Bond series
=> 好幾部電影
eg: the Harry Potter series
eg: the James Bond series

2010年5月7日 星期五

20100506 Mysterious Mound in Australia Draws Thousands (2)

Mysterious Mound in Australia Draws Thousands

Uluru's ancient mysteries begin with its geology. Uluru is likely two-thirds buried, with the invisible part jutting below the surface at an 80-degree angle. The Rock is a magical place for the Aboriginal people - a place to be respected, best-visited through a six-mile Base Walk around the perimeter. But climbing the 1,141-foot-high Rock has been a goal of generations of white Australians and other tourists. Climbing the Rock is banned during high heat, strong winds or thunderstorms.

When the trail is open, the hike takes the physically fit about one hour up and one hour down - sometimes it involves stepping backwards on the steep crevices. Those who are more cardio-challenged should count on a four-to six-hour round trip. I choose to stay on ground level, partially out of respect for the wishes of the Aborigines. Also, I stay partially out of the knowledge that an average of one person a year dies on the hike, either from heart attack or falling on the steep, sometimes slippery trail. Making it to the top isn't my personal obseeion, so no point in endangering my fragile hold on existence.

jut v. 突出/伸出
jut out
jut jutted jutted jutting
eg: Her hip bones jutted out because of her birth defect.
=> 因為先天缺陷,她臀部的骨頭是突出。
eg: The balcony of the hotel room juts out above the garden.
=> 旅管房間的陽臺伸展出花園的上空中。

perimeter n. 周圍/邊緣
=> an outer edge of the land or the border around it
eg: The police set road blocks around the perimeter of the town to stop the fugitive from running away.
eg: A river runs along the perimeter of this village.
=> 沿著這個村莊周圍有一條河流。

perimeter n. 周長
eg: The perimeter of the football field can be calculated with a formula.
=> 足球場的周長可以用公式來計算。

ban v. 禁止/發禁令
=> prohibit
ban banned banned banning
eg: This movie was banned in Mainland China.
=> 這部電影在大陸被禁了
eg: The player is banned till the competition is over.
=> 這個球員被禁賽一直到比賽結束

geology n. 地質學
=> the science that study the earth and the rocks and how they were formed

crevice n. 裂縫/裂隙
=> a crack forming a opening in the rock

=> refer to the heart

=> your heart canoot really take it , you are not able to do this climb

= the handicapped

slippery adj. 滑的/容易滑的
slippery trail

obsession n. 著迷/被纏住
=> something you would think about someone all the time

fragile adj. 易碎的

//== Chat room ==//

one-way trip 單程旅程

round trip 去了目的地掉頭回原地的旅行

turn around 掉頭

roundtrip ticket 來回票
=> 通常一張來回票會比兩張one-way trip ticket便宜

roundabout n. (英)圓環
rotary n. (美)圓環
= traffic circle

roundabout adj. 兜圈子/迂迴的/微婉的
= indirect
eg: say something in a roundabout way 用微婉的方式來表達一件事

2010年5月6日 星期四

20100505 Mysterious Mound in Australia Draws Thousands (1)

Mysterious Mound in Australia Draws Thousands 到澳洲的神秘巨石堆探險

What is Uluru?

Australians have all sorts of cheery nicknames for the thousands of miles of hot, hard continent that lie beyond the coastal crust where anybody with an ounce of common sense lives. So why am I smack in the middle, of the hardest, hottest spot of all, swatting flies and picking burrs out of my socks? Why am I standing in a parking lot with hundreds of other people starting silently at a mound of sandstone partially buried in a sun-baked desert? Because it is the Rock, ayers, Uluru.

People are drawn from around the world to this odd bulge in the desert. It's the most visited single spot on the continent. Rebekah Francis, a feisty local tour guide who is one-quarter Aborigine, says she can tell people's attitudes simply by what they call the place. "For the Aboriginal people, it is Uluru, a place to be revered and respected as a central part of their history and culture," she says. "A lot of people respect that. But there are those from the Western cultures who come here to climb and conquer what they call Ayers Rock."

2010年5月5日 星期三

2010年5月4日 星期二

20100504 Bamboo Cloth - the New Cotton (2)

Bamboo Cloth - the New Cotton

The benefits
Cotton has long been known as the world's wonder fabric for its comfort and many uses. But if bamboo cloth manufacturers haved their way, bamboo may soon leave cotton in the dust. Those who wear clothes made from bamboo say that they are as comfortable as cotton. These clothes feel like cashmere, yet they're a lot less expensive. However, in terms of benefits, comfort and cost are just the beginning! Some trees require around 60 years to grow.

But bamboo can grow almost a meter a day. This makes it one of the world's most renewable plants. It requires no chemicals and very little water for growth. These facts ease the minds of environmentalists. Customers are pleased that the fabric absorbs moisture better than cotton and doesn't hold odors in. It keeps wearers cool and dry. Plus, it can be thrown into the washer and dryer, and it comes out wrinkle-free! No wonder so many people are now calling bamboo the new wonder fabric!

dust n. 灰塵
leave someone or something in the dust 使望塵莫及/把某人或某是遠遠拋在後面
=> leave someone or something far behind
eg: Once the new cell phone is available it'll leave other competitors in the dust.
=> 這種新手機一但上市就會把其他競爭者遠遠的拋在後面.
eg: His problem-solving abilities leave me in the dust.
=> 他解決問題的能力讓我望塵莫及.

renewable adj. 再生的/可更新的
=> able to be replaced
eg: This kind of car uses renewable fuel.
=> 這種車使用可再生的燃料.
eg: Many scientists are developing technologies that use renewable energy resources.
=> 許多科學家正在發展使用再生能源的科技.

moisture n. 水氣/濕氣
eg: This kind of soil can retain more moisture than others.
=> 這種土壤比其他土壤能夠保持更多水份.
eg: He turned on the vent to let the excess moisture evaporate faster.
=> 他把風扇打開讓所有的水氣快一點蒸發.

comfort n. 安逸/舒適

environmentalist n. 環境保護論者/環境論者
=> people who study environment and are interested in environment and
=> the main goal is to make sure that the environment of the earth is protected
=> that is not damaged by human beings

moisture n. 水氣/濕氣
odor n. 氣味

have one's way 隨心所欲/為所欲為
=> get what one want

//== Chat room ==//

washing machine 洗衣機

the washer and dryer 洗衣機和烘衣機
=> 如果washer和dryer放在一起時,指的一定是clothes washer和clothes dryer(洗衣機和烘衣機)
=> 為了避免混淆,最好使用完整的名稱
a clothes washer 洗衣機
a clothes dryer 烘衣機

=> the appliance used for washing clothes
=> we usually call it washing machine

dishwasher 洗碗機

hand dryer 烘手機

hairdryer 吹風機
= blowdryer

//== Grammar on the Go ==//

...in terms of benefits, comfort is just the beginning!

just the beginning
=> it's the beginning of a long list

eg: There is more to your birthday surprise, this trip to the salon is just the beginning.
eg: I woke up late and I missed the bus so I was late to work, little did I know it was just the beginning of a very bad day.

//== More Information ==//

When you wash your bamboo clothes, it's recommended you use a gentle, cold-water cycle. Then, to help your bamboo clothes last longer, let them dry naturally on a clothesline. If you do use an electric dryer be aware that bamboo fiber draws moisture away from other types of fiber - meaning that your bamboo clothes may still be moist when all of your other clothes are dry.


2010年5月3日 星期一




20100501 Expo 2010 Shanghai (1)

Expo 2010 Shanghai

Better city, better life

Get a glimpse of city life in Brazil, Turkey, Finland and Israel on the same day without getting on a plane. Watch cultural performances and sample foods from around the world at your leisure. Sound too good to be true? With over 200 countries and international organizations taking part, Expo Shanghai makes this, and more, possible. What is a world expo? Every world's fair traces its roots to the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations.

Held in London in 1851, the Great Exhibition introduced new inventions like an early form of the fax machine and the voting machine. Other inventions first revealed at world's fairs include the ice cream cone and the X-ray machine.

This expo
From today until October 31, an estimated 70 million people will flock to Shanghai to explore this exposition. Centered on the theme of "city," this expo will investigate the challenges and consequences of urbanization. What is the potential of urban life in this century? Visit the Shanghai Expo and find out!

20100503 Bamboo Cloth - the New Cotton (1)

Bamboo Cloth - the New Cotton

Not only can you sit and walk on bamboo, but you can wear it too

Furniture and flooring usually come to mind when we think of ways to use bamboo. Not many of us, though, think of bamboo clothing! But that might be changing with the popularity of an amazing fabric made from bamboo.

The process
How can a material used to make hard floors also be used to make soft cloth?
In 2001, researchers in Beijing figured out that it's all in the processing.
Today, two main methods are used.

In the mechanical process, woody parts of the bamboo plant are crushed. The fibers are then combed and spun into thread. Afterward, color can be added and the threads made into cloth.

The chemical process is the most common and uses the entire bamboo plant. The crushed fibers are "cooked" in chemicals and then turned into thread. Some don't like this process and worry that the chemicals may hurt the environment. However, others believe that the many benefits of this bamboo fabric outweight the negatives.

come to mind 浮現腦海
=> first thing you think about when you hear the word
A:Do you know any good French restaurants?
B:Nothing comes to mind right now.
eg: The name "Bee Gees" comes to mind when you talk about the 70's.
=> 當你提到70年代的時候,腦海就會浮現"Bee Gees"的名字.

process v. 處理
processing n. 加工/處理
=> take material and change them for a certain purpose
eg: Processing camera film is a thing of the past since most cameras today are digital,.
eg: 相機底片的沖洗已經是過去的事,因為現在大多數相機都是數位式的。
eg: This software can speed up data processing.
=> 這軟件可能加速電腦資料的處理。

mechanical adj. 機械的/使用機械的
eg: All the mechanical parts of this vehicle are imported from Germany.
=> 這輛車的所有機械零件都是德國被進口。
eg: The airplane crash was caused by mechanical failure.
=> 這一次的墬機事件是由機械故障造成的。

fabric n. 織物/織品/布料
spin v. 紡織
=> spin span span

thread n. 一線/一絲

//== Chat room ==//

The fibers are combed and spun into thread.
=> 這些纖維會加以梳理在紡織成絲線

comb n. 梳子
comb v. 梳理/梳整

comb v. 徹底的搜查/地毯式的搜索
comb through
eg: The police combed the area.
eg: The police combed through the area.

go over something with a fine-tooth comb
=> 徹底地仔細地檢察搜尋某個地方

fine-tooth comb
=> 齒牙很密的梳子