2009年6月15日 星期一

20090614 -- Some Spell Delicious I-N-S-E-C-T (1)

Some Spell Delicious I-N-S-E-C-T
Eating things that creep and crawl isn't all that unusual.

If you had to choose between a juicy steak and a ant larva taco, which would you choose? From some of you, there is no choice -- you'd take the steak. Yet many people in Asia, Africa and Latin America enjoy insects as an important food source. Experts estimate that half the people in the world include insects in their diet. The creepy crawlies are not only tasty but also nutritious. Many species of insects are high in protein and low in fat.

In Thailand, street markets offer silkworms, grasshoppers and water bugs. People in Ghana roast or fry termites or bake them into bread. In South America, moviegoers can buy roasted ants to eat instead of popcorn. With three times the protein of beef, mopane caterpillars are a favorite food in southern Africa. Some cook them in a stew with tomatoes and oninos, and some eat them dried as a snack. The worms must be harvested from the mopane tress, cooked and dried in the sun. Then they are ready to enjoy.

estimate v. 估計/預估
eg: My dad estimated it will take nine hours to drive from here to Seattle.
eg: It is hard to estimate now how much damage the typhoon caused.
eg: The goverment estimated that over 100,000 people will became unemployed in the following months.

species n. 生物物種(單複數同型)
-> a group of plants/animals that are so similar that are able to breed
eg: Dogs are Jennifer's favorite animal species.
eg: Over 20 species of butterflies can be found on this island.
eg: Pandas are an endangered species.

protein n. 蛋白質
eg: Meat, eggs and peanut butter are good sources of protein.

larva n. 【動】幼蟲/幼體
-> a stage that insects go through and grow up

creepy crawly 爬行動物
crawly adj. 令人毛骨悚然的

harvest v. 收割/採收
eg: In the fall, the farmer harvested all the corn and wheat in his field.
eg: The farmer hired help to harvest the corn.
eg: We need to try to harvest the crops before the frost.

harvest n. 收成/豐收
eg: The wheat harvest will be wonderful this year.

caterpillar n. 毛毛蟲
grasshopper n. 蚱蜢/蝗蟲

//== Grammer on the go ==//

If you had to choose between a juicy steak and a ant larva taco, which would you choose?
-> One is popular and one is strange.
-> The strange one should be the subject of the focus
-> Most likely your audience would choose the popular one
-> And then you can explain why the strange one is nevertheless(仍然) an interesting subject.
grap your audience's attention as soon as possible

//== Chat room ==//

bug n. 癖好/狂熱

bitten by the bug

bitten by the writing bug
bitten by the acting bug 是你想要去演藝界發展
bitten by the sailing bug
bitten by the travel bug 對旅行有一種突如其來的狂熱(一天到晚都想要出國旅遊)


bug n. 病菌
a flu bug
a stomach bug
a litter bug 亂丟垃圾的人


put a bug in someone's ear 是先給某人警告/偷偷的告知某人
-> give someone a hint

